I was lucky enough to never have the traditional role of wife forced upon me, or even really encouraged. Everyone in my house wanted me to pursue my dreams. I'm so grateful to have had a family that raised me not to fill a traditional role but to follow my passions. Not to say I don't want to get married, or be a mother. It's just nice to know that I can choose where my life goes.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I was lucky enough to never have the traditional role of wife forced upon me, or even really encouraged. Everyone in my house wanted me to pursue my dreams. I'm so grateful to have had a family that raised me not to fill a traditional role but to follow my passions. Not to say I don't want to get married, or be a mother. It's just nice to know that I can choose where my life goes.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
So I could relate to this first mother-daughter exchange, but I kind of cringed at the chapter entitled "At The Western Palace." The mom is SO ANGRY at her kids, it scared me. It seems like partially, she's mad at them for rejecting traditional mannerisms and attitudes. She expresses contempt for their "wandering feet" that keep them from "understanding sitting" (Kingston, 113). She also gets angry when they "play with presents in front of the giver," (Kingston, 121) after Moon Orchid gives them, offering them rock candy in an effort to distract them. But it seems like she never says anything TO them about their bad behavior. She watches them grow, tries to steer them, and then sits back and fumes as they don't turn out in the way she imagined. And I couldn't help but wonder if my mother ever feels that way about me: like I'm not quite what she expected, or something.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Kingston's toast (most likely)http://phoenix.fanster.com/theshowtobenamedlater/files/2009/09/burnt-toast-2.jpg In the first half of her chapter called "Shaman," Kingston speaks of letting her mothers life. After reading about her a few of her mothers trials and tribulations, about how she dealt with the death of her two children who "could already walk" (Kington, 60) "did secret studying" (Kingston, 64) to keep from being ridiculed at school, and found a way to become respected in her own right through her profession, despite being a woman, I feel like part of the pressure Kingston felt to be perfect was not just a desire to live up to her mother's expectations but also a desire to live up to her mother's life, so full of heartache and hard-earned triumph.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
OK. So I understand that the big picture of our reading for next class is still focusing on discrimination, both based on race and based on sexual orientation. But there was a smaller subplot, intertwined with these themes, that jumped out at me. I’m not sure how to put it into words… I think that it had something to do with what it means to be a man, or a woman. But that’s not really it. It’s more specific then that.
Here’s what I’ll do. I’ll pose it as an essay question. It’ll be one of those ridiculous questions history classes thrive off of, one that begs for a thesis dripping in scholarly articulation and squirms at the slightest hint of writing that contains personality?
How are sexual scripts formed, acted out, and changed? How are these changes reacted to? Focus on how culturally acceptable social scripts are formed, how they are changed due to homosexuality, and how these changes are reacted to by the culture in question.
OK. So obviously I’ll never be an AP test essay question writer. But I think you get the idea.
Oh, AP test essays... I hate you.
Here’s what I gleaned from the essays in question.:
Multihued by Anthony R Luckett
Luckett didn’t focus on sexual scripts as much as the subsequent essays, but he did seem to hint that these scripts are learned from parents, says that his “father gave [him] the greatest lesson on what a black man should be by not being around for [him] to follow his bad example” (anthology, 861). This hints that, had his father been around, he would have learned what the social script for “man” was from him. But there is a racial dimension to this lesson he would have learned. Luckett, in describing what his father would have taught him, explains that he would have been educated on what the social script for “black man” was. With this assertion, Luckett insinuates that sexual scripts are different in divergent depending race and ethnicity, and the culture that comes from these races and ethnicities.
No, duh, you say. So did I. We’ve all seen how different cultures have different views of masculinity and femininity. For example, when Vincent Ng visited China the other children “[made] fun of [him[ because they thought [he] was a girl because of [his]] long hair” (anthology, 883), while in the US long hair on both men and women is acceptable. However, there is a deeper implication in this claim. If social scripts are learned only from parents, then you are doomed to learn and act out THEIR social script. In addition (an this is especially relevant in Luckett’s case) many times the social script for “man” draws from the social script for “woman” and vice versa. But when the social scripts don’t correspond, are not two halves of one whole “acceptable social conduct”, multiethnic and multiracial children seem to be somewhat left to their own devices. In addition, if one parents, or both, is missing, where are kids supposed to learn sexual scripts? You could day that they learn it from the parent figure in their lives, and for many this is probably true. But Luckett didn’t have ANYONE he viewed as a father figure seeing as he “never really felt at home” anywhere. I really think that part of the reason Luckett feels he needs his father for his “narrative to be complete” (anthology, 868) is that he doesn’t feel that he’s found a suitable example of a social script to follow.
No Such Thing by Johnny Lee
Lee says that his father was “what could be described as the stereotypical Korean male,” who “came home from work everyday, popped himself in front of the television, turned on the sports channel, demanded his good, and was perfectly content for the rest of the night” (anthology, 873). However, because Lee was gay, he couldn’t just adopt the social script his culture and family had laid out for him, because, as his parents said, “there is no Korean gay” (anthology, 872), and therefore no acceptable social script for them. The way in which Lee finds his own definition of masculinity and sexuality despite the lack of support from his parents is important, as is the way in which his parents reacted to his new social script. They were, if you remember, furious, viscious, and in denial. But WHY was it that they reacted in this way? Personally, I think the cause of their reaction was two-fold, both personal and cultural. Culturally, their social script called for shunning of gay men. However, there was also the added dimension of embarrassment, I think, of not only having a gay son but ACCEPTING the fact that he was gay. For example, when Lee’s father says that “he [doesn’t] want the faggot,” Lee muses that he may have been doing it to “keep up appearances,”(anthology, 874) not because he actually felt that his son's gayness was wrong.
Farewell My Tung-Tew by Vincent Ng
When I was reading Ng’s story, though it had a bisexual dimension, I felt like he was bringing into perspective how a degree of separation from your parents social scripts can allow you to come up with your own definition of what it means to be male or female REGARDLESS of your sexual orientation. He kind of shows how you can try to take the best from a lot of different sources, saying that “college thus allowed [him] to come into [his] own… and break the molds that [his] Chinese father had set down.”
I think, to a certain degree, we’re all a little bit doomed to act out what we learned as children from our parents. But I also think that our generation, because technology and opportunity have exposed us to more points of view, has a better chance of breaking the mold then anyone before us.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Did I complain? To quote a certain Alaskan politician, you betcha'. I used to say things like "Everyone elses parents is letting them..." and "You guys are the only ones that..." No good. You know how in the reading by Alessandro Melendez, his mother's excuse for making him and his brother speak Spanish at home was that they were "[her] sons... and Latino" (anthology, 854)? My mom used to say "Well, you're not everyone else." What she really meant was that I was Puerto Rican.