Monday, September 7, 2009

My Psychological Type: ESFJ

My type is ESFJ, which is, you know... SUPER EXCITING!!

According to this test I am 1% extraverted (you

were right Professor Bump!), 1% sensing, 75% feeling (which means I'm a huge sap) and 67% judging.

Anyhow, when I looked at my results I was pretty confused, mainly because I didn't know what all the words in my type were referring to. And then, thankfully, I used my superior skills of deduction, read our anthology and clicked on a few of the explaining links .

Lightbulbs are often used to symbolize awesome ideas, such as my idea to look up what the words in my type meant

I was a much bigger fan of Dr. Keirsey's explanation of my type then J Butt's and MM Heiss's. First of all, Keirsey called me a Guardian (with a capital G!). Who wouldn't want to be one of those? I am a fan of social service, although I think it might just be because I like the way it makes me feel when other people are happy, which really means I'm horribly selfish. I used to work at IHOP as a waitress, and I think part of the reason I liked that job and was good at it was that the main goal was to keep people happy, which I am apparently a pro at. And teamwork is AWESOME! The one thing that seemed to be a main theme of Dr. Keirsey's explanation of my type that didn't really fit in with me was that Keirsey implied that Providers are good at organizing parties and like... being in charge. Let me tell you, I am TERRIBLE at being in charge. The teamwork thing I've got in the bag, but the planning should really be left to someone with an eye for details (a.k.a. NOT ME).

Summer after my sophomore year in high school I worked at IHOP. I was actually really good at my job and had a few regular customers who I got to know really well (because I am an extrovert, apparently) but IHOP is open 24 hours a day and my mother was not thrilled with my work schedule so she made me quit. I loved it though. Breakfast food is the best!

I do tend to strike up random conversations with people, but that's mainly in elevators when its just you and one other sad elevator traveler. It's so awkward if you don't talk to them! Friends and family are important to me too. However, I don't know what provider this Keirsey person has been talking to, but I personally am very, very bad about birthdays. It's embarrassing. I wish I were good about them, as my type description says I should be. I “can remember names and dates” (Learning Styles, page 138) when it comes to school, like in history, but it takes a lot of repetition and I usually forget details right after the test. And the whole “I KNOW EVERYONE'S BUSINESS” aspect of my type isn't really my thing either... although that might just be because I don't have time. Maybe I should drop out of school and become Perez Hilton: Lauren Acosta's friends version. I mean, it does say in our anthology that I prefer to write about “topics [I] can care about” (Writing Styles, page 153). It could be the perfect job!

Awkward elevators are actually one of my favorite things because they provide so much bonding material. These people are unhappy because they have failed to take advantage of the bonding experience before them. The blonde kid looks especially unhappy, in my opinion.

I am very sensitive to what other people are thinking and what they think of me. That probably explains my obsession with happy endings... But really, we spend our whole lives hoping happy things will happen to people. Why would we want to go watch a movie about another instance where it doesn't work out?

However, I was as thrilled when I read what is in store for my future. I don't know if any of y'all looked at the little blurbs on other people of our types, but my fellow Provider Sheryl was apparently very popular with the laddies (not ladies, laddies) in high school. She turns out really pathetic though! She dresses up to impress her husband who is this huge jerk that leaves his socks all around the house. Honestly, she needs to stop being so mousy and just go off on him. That is not happening to me, kids, partly because the first part of her story does not match my life at all and mostly because I'm not going to let it happen to me.

I always thought Cinderella was the dumbest of the Disney princesses because she, like Sheryl, just let people take advantage of her and was not even that bitter/ vocal about it. She is a TERRIBLE role model.

And then... and then comes Joe Butt. First of all, let me go ahead and say that he has an slightly terrible name, but I find myself wondering if he is related to the famous Herbert E Butt, the founder of HEB. (picture of HEB). He says some of the same things that Keirsey does, but I (true to my “easily wounded” self, as he put it) was slightly offended by the manner in which he described Providers. This may be because “small things upset me” (Typology Assessment, pg 143) but I'd like to think I'm being completely reasonable in my dislike of his description. I know how to control my emotions, OK? I answered that I don't have a problem expressing my feelings if need be, but I don't go around blowing up at the random stranger friends that I've made in elevators because I'm “boiling over the vexation of [my] soul”.

According to Mr. Butt I should also be walking around with ticks from trying to control my urge to save the world. He's quite melodramatic in this description as well, although I do see what he's referring to. I'm pretty protective, which is probably why I'm a good babysitter. However, the whole rescuing “the prodigal... from the gallows of the folly just as the noose tightens and all hope is lost” when referring to my punishment and making up style was a bit much. Really, I usually make a joke out of whatever crisis has occurred and tell the kid not to do it again because something horrible will happen.

And OH MY GOODNESS JOE'S LAST PARAGRAPH IS RIDICULOUS. I am not hyper vigilant! I feel like this paragraph perfectly describes my mother. I'm pretty chill about dangerous things. I think the reason this came up was because I said I usually follow the rules. Following the rules does not mean I see creepers around every corner, however.

I was pretty happy with my list of fellow ESFJ's, however. I mean, who wouldn't want to be categorized with Donald Duck, Winnie the Pooh, and Frank Sinatra? (pics) Martha Stewart I could do without, but all in all I seem to have some pretty good compadres.

So, all in all, my type matched me pretty well. I just think that some of the aspects of my personality were not quite as extreme as the descriptions made them out to be.

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